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17 January 2010

Installing Epson PX710W (networked) on Ubuntu 9.10

  1. Set up the printer and add it to your network.
  2. Try pinging it if you know the ip address (I used a fixed IP to make my life easier) to make sure its connected.
  3. Get drivers from All-in-Ones (multifunction inkjet printers) and fill in form at bottom of page. After submitting form you get a list of appropriate drivers, PPDs and help documents.
  4. Save them somewhere sensible and then read the guidance in the document Instructions%20on%20use%20of%20PPD%20files.txt
  5. I was installing to a 64 bit ubuntu so I had to use this command:

    sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture pipslite_1.4.0-5_i386.deb

    but that failed as I had a missing
  6. Google-ing revealed this link where I was led to the Ubuntu Hardy repo website for that dependency. I manually downloaded - I guess you might want to do it properly setting up an entry in your repo lists?
  7. Install the dependency

    sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture libltdl3_1.5.26-1ubuntu1_i386.deb

  8. And rerun command in step 5 above
  9. Then in the desktop System|Adminstration|Printing menu and add the printer using the Network Printer sub-menu.
  10. Select the PX710W from the list, accept the defaults and on the next dialog window select the option to provide the PPD file, browse to it and you are done.
  11. Print a test page